Rain Can’t Stop the Music: Budstock 8 Thrives Despite Downpours in Renovo

RENOVO-Just like rain helped to define Woodstock, Renovo’s own music event featured heavy rain and downfalls but the musicians kept the music coming as Budstock 8 went on despite the not ideal weather. Instead, it was an atmosphere of “let’s just play and have fun” by the performers and as the audience appreciated the effort as its best attendance all day came as the day and night wore on. The free live music event has become a staple of the end of August each year and this year it returned to the Greater Renovo Area Heritage Park grounds at the coal tipple. Nearly 12 hours of music entertained all that attended and in a new twist, many ATV enthusiasts made pit stops throughout the day to enjoy the music during breaks in their riding throughout western Clinton County.

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