Keystone Central holds September Voting Meeting

By Christopher Miller

BALD EAGLE TOWNSHIP – The Keystone Central School Board met Thursday evening for their September Voting Meeting.

During the visitors portion of the meeting, Danielle Lavallee of Loganton spoke about her concerns with the bus situation and provided her own personal testimony of her children utilizing the district buses to go to and from school.

“I am a parent in the Sugar Valley area who bought a home in 2008 and was excited for my children to attend Sugar Valley Elementary School. The school closed when my third child was going into kindergarten and we were promised safe and reasonable transportation. Is three hours reasonable,” she asked the board.

Lavallee referenced the current situation of her youngest child attending Walnut Street Christian school and how her child’s school pickup is around 5:05 a.m. and gets to school around 7:55 a.n.

“My oldest son is in the welding program at Central Mountain High School and he is picked up around 7 o’clock and gets to school by 8 o’clock daily, while my other child going to Walnut Street Christian has to spend a few minutes short of three hours each way on the school bus, that is equivalent to driving to Newark Airport in New Jersey one-way,” she said.

“When we have bad weather and delays or closures, if the announcement is not made early enough, my child is already on the bus heading to school, I appreciate Dr. Redmon and Shelly Ott addressing this issue last week, but it directly affects us parents in the district. I have never received any official times from Transportation and had to hear these times only from my child’s bus driver. My representative reached out to Dr. Redmon and reported back that from Renovo to Sugar Valley Rural Charter School, and Sugar Valley to Avis are the longest routes and that the earliest pickup is at 5:40 a.m. and the last drop off is at 5:05 p.m. Why is it that the route for my private school student is the longest in the district? How is this fair?”

Lavallee went on to ask why the bus transportation jobs are not listed on the Keystone Central School District website, and how are they trying to appeal to people to apply for the jobs.

“If it is too difficult to get people to want to get their CDL license, why doesn’t the school invest in some vans which would be cheaper in gas money and wouldn’t require a CDL,” she asked. “I know that Jersey Shore Area School District contracts with multiple companies to bus their students to schools.”

Lavallee finalized her appeal to the district by asking the board how they expect children to be able to focus and learn when the earliest pickup time is at 4:30 a.m., and asking why the routes this year are at least an hour different than last year.

“This is about the students, and we are not providing them with reasonable transportation,” she concluded.

In other news, the entirety of the agenda was moved with the exception of selected items to individually review, discuss, and vote on.

Great discussion was given towards, “a resolution to ensure that all debt issuance aligns with legal and regulatory requirements under the Local Government Unit Debt Act. The bond issuance is in reference to the 2nd bond for the new Liberty-Curtin Elementary School.”

In short, in December 2023 the school board voted to take out a bond in the amount of $9.9 million for the construction of the new Liberty-Curtin Elementary School. On Thursday night, the school board heard from Audrey Bear, Managing Director at Piper/Sandler, an investment banking company in Camp Hill regarding borrowing the remaining $9.9 million for the final construction of the school.

The school board voted to continue with the second bond with members Elisabeth Lynch, Chris Scaff, and Tom Cannon voting no. School board member Butch Knauff was absent from Thursday’s meeting.

In personnel news, the following items were voted on:



Leave of Absence for Linda Kramer, General Cafeteria Worker, at Mill Hall Elementary, effective August 28 – October 9, 2024. Absence is partially compensated.


Sabbatical leave of absence (60%) for Lynzee Sox, Family & Consumer Science Teacher, at Central Mountain High School, effective the 1st semester of the 24-25 school year.

Sabbatical leave of absence (50%) for Renee Serafini, STEM Teacher, at Central Mountain Middle School, effective the 24-25 school year.

Leave of Absence for Lisa Miller, English Teacher, at Bucktail High School, effective September 25 – December 18, 2024. Absence is partially compensated.

Leave of Absence for Samantha Jarret, Learning Support, at Central Mountain Middle School, effective October 29 – December 9, 2024. Absence is compensated.



Employment of Leanna Styers, as General Cafeteria Worker, 4.5 hrs/day, at Central Mountain Middle School, effective date TBD at a rate of $14.25/hr, paid from the General Fund per the ESP Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.

Employment of Sharon Gerhard, as General Cafeteria Worker, 4.5 hrs/day, at Central Mountain High School, effective date TBD at a rate of $14.25/hr, paid from the General Fund per the ESP Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.

Employment of Lynn Lose, as Payroll Secretary, 7 hrs/day, 260 days/year, at Administration, effective August 29, 2024 with a salary of $38,749 paid from the General Fund per the CCESPA Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.

Employment of Brandy Mundrick, as Property Services Secretary, 7 hrs/day, 260 days/year, at the Property Services Office, effective TBD with a salary of $38,749 paid from the General Fund per the CCESPA Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.

Employment of Carla Wian, as ELL Paraprofessional, 7 hrs/day, at Central Mountain High School, effective September 16, 2024 at a rate of $17.25/hr, paid from the General Fund per the ESP Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. This is a new position. Correction to the hourly rate of pay per the CBA on 9/11/2024.

Employment of Logan White, as 210 Custodian, 7 hrs/day, at Robb Elementary School, effective TBD at a rate of 14.25/hr, paid from the General Fund per the ESP Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy. Added to agenda on 9/3/2024.

Employment of Shan Packer, as part-time Pre-Apprenticeship Program Coordinator, to be paid a stipend of $6000 per year, for the 24-25 school year.


Employment of James Eldreth, as a music teacher, at Central Mountain High School, placed at DOC, step 10, with a salary of $76,200, effective the first day of the 24-25 school year. Salary and Benefits are according to the ACCE Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy. Correction to step and salary due to advanced degree prior to the start of the 24-25 school year.

Employment of Terence O’Connor, as a Business/Computer/Technology Teacher, at Bucktail Middle/High School, placed at BS, step 1, with a salary of $53,000, effective the first day of the 24-25 school year. Salary and Benefits are according to the ACCE Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.

Employment of Timothy Bachman, as an Emotional Support Teacher, at Central Mountain Middle School, placed at BS, step 2, with a salary of $53,900, effective the first day of the 24-25 school year. Salary and Benefits are according to the ACCE Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.

Employment of Tiffany Jarrett, as 4th Grade Teacher, at Robb, placed at BS, step 2, with a salary of $53,900, effective the first day of the 24-25 school year. Salary and Benefits are according to the ACCE Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.

Employment of Jordan McGregor, as Kindergarten Teacher, at Mill Hall Elementary, placed at M, step 11, with a salary of $70,100, effective the first day of 24-25 school year. Salary and Benefits are according to the ACCE Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.

Employment of Saige Whipple, as LTS STEM Teacher, at Central Mountain Middle School, placed at BS, step 1, with a salary of $53,000, effective TBD. Salary and Benefits are according to the ACCE Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.

Employment of ____________, as Spanish Teacher, at ____, placed at_____ , step____ , with a salary of $______ effective TBD. Salary and Benefits are according to the ACCE Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.

Employment of Haley Eisenhouer, as Social Studies DPL, 7-12 for the 2024-2025 school year. Filled due to vacancy.

Approve the addition of a Kindergarten Teaching position at Woodward Elementary. New position based on increase in current student enrollment.

Approve the addition of a CTC Health Occupations Teaching position at Central Mountain High School. New position based on increase in current student enrollment.



Transfer of Kathy Muthler from Secretary at the Tax Office to Benefits Secretary at the Business Office effective the first day of the 24-25 school year, paid from the General Fund per the ESP Contract. Filled due to vacancy.

Transfer of Courtney Fisher from Title I Associate at Mill Hall Elementary to Behavioral Intervention Assistant at Mill Hall Elementary effective the first day of the 24-25 school year, paid from the General Fund per the ESP Contract. Filled due to vacancy.

Transfer of Sheilia Neff from Building Assistant at Robb Elementary to Personal Care Assistant at Central Mountain High School effective the first day of the 24-25 school year, paid from the General Fund per the ESP Contract. Filled due to vacancy.

Transfer of Katia Hartman from Building Assistant , at Central Mountain Middle School to ELL Paraprofessional, at Mill Hall Elementary effective TBD, paid from the General Fund per the ESP Contract. Filled due to vacancy.

Transfer of Michelle Davis from General Cafeteria Worker , 7 hrs/day at Central Mountain Middle School to General Cafeteria Worker, 5.75 hrs/day at Renovo Elementary effective Monday, August 26, 2024, paid from the General Fund per the ESP Contract. Filled due to vacancy.


Transfer of Kelly Losch, 4th Grade Teacher, at Robb Elementary to 2nd Grade Teacher, at Woodward Elementary, effective the first day of the 2024-2025 school year. Transfer due to vacancy.

Transfer of Katrina Sheely, Learning Support, at Central Mountain High School to Learning Support/ELA, at Central Mountain High School. Transfer due to restructuring of current position.

Transfer of Jessica Madenford, Elementary Art Itinerant, at Liberty Curtin, Renovo/Bucktail MS and Woodward to Elementary Art/Enrichment Itinerant, at Liberty Curtin and Renovo/Bucktail MS. Transfer due to restructuring of current position.

Transfer of Jamie Bressler, Spanish Teacher, at Central Mountain High School to Guidance Counselor, at Bucktail Middle/High School, effective TBD. Transfer due to vacancy.

Transfer of ________, ______ Teacher, at ________ to Spanish Teacher, at Central Mountain High School, effective TBD. Transfer due to vacancy.



Retirement of Teresa Meadows, Custodian at Central Mountain High School, effective November 12, 2024. Resignation of Rebecca Conklin, Community Education Specialist, at Keystone Central School District, effective August 30, 2024.

Resignation of Ashley Mann, Emotional Support Building Assistant, at Mill Hall Elementary, effective August 15, 2024.

Resignation of Riley Utter, Custodian, at Robb Elementary, effective September 10, 2024.

Termination of Dana Kitchen, General Cafeteria Worker, at Central Mountain Middle School, effective September 12, 2024.

Termination of Brittany Koch, Behavior Interventionist Assistant, at Central Mountain Middle School, effective September 12, 2024.

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