Renovo Chapter DAR

The Renovo Chapter DAR was led by Christine Haas, Regent, assisted by Clara Barrows, Chaplain.

The President General’s message was read by Sandy Krepps. The oldest military award, the Purple Heart, has its roots in the revolution. Thanksgiving is such a part of our American Culture that it’s hard to believe that it’s not a National Holiday. Sarah Josepha Hale fought for the holiday recognition.

The Constitutional Minute was read by Diane Krepps. The Constitution delegates were an average of 67 years old. Samuel Johnson reached the age of 92.

The Indian Minute was read by Marilyn Short. A chief of the Hunkpapa Teton Sioux led a division of Sioux in the battle of Little Big Horn when General Custer and his men were slain.

Clara Barrows read “In Flanders Fields”, a poem she read from the Renovo Library. She also read a poem on a “Soldier”.

Helen Newlen reported on National Defense. The American Indian may have been the original “national Defender.” They have the highest percentage serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. At the beginning of WWI in 1914, 12,000 American Indians volunteered for military service. The Snyder Act of 1924, granted fall citizenship to all Natives.

Women issues was reported by Marilyn Short. The “Voice of Calm” was an article about Virginia “Gene” Sawyer, a 104 year old Hawaiian Daughter who was in the field of broadcasting during the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Honolulu under Martial Law was a grim and angry city with a big job to do. She also wrote an essay for the 50th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor. She was also an avid Red Cross volunteer.

The program for the evening was on Veteran’s Day given by Mary Arnold. November 11, 1918 is regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars”. This refers to WWI. In November 1919, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day. To us in America, this day will be filled with solemn pride for those heroes who died for our freedom.

On October 8, 1954, President Eisenhower issued the first Veteran’s Day proclamation. He appointed Harvey V. Higley, Administrator of Veteran’s Affairs.

The Uniform Holiday Bell was signed on October 25, 1971 which changed the date of the original Veteran’s Day. Many states did not agree, so President Gerald R. Ford signed the law to have Veteran’s Day observed on its original date.

The Veteran’s Day program ended with a video of Julia Leady, granddaughter of Mary Arnold, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The hostesses for the evening were Mary Arnold and Jennifer Leady.

DAR wishes everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

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