Central Mountain Marching Band in Full Swing


MILL HALL-Central Mountain Marching Band takes to the hills with its 2024 field show. This year’s show, titled “The Hills Are Alive,” has been a hit for band fans and band members alike. This weekend, the band performed the “Sound of Music” themed show twice, once at the Selinsgrove football game and again on Saturday night at the Tussey Mountain Marching Band Festival, receiving many compliments about the quality of their performances.

The marching band festival featured performances by seven bands from all around the region and a mass-band experience playing “Sweet Caroline,”  as well as a Drill-Down–an intense marching competition in which individual band members compete to see who will be the last one standing.

The band members enjoy supporting the football team at games and they love the community interaction of parades, but at band events, they can watch and be watched by other bands and their fans, and the electricity in the stadium is real! “People who have been in a marching band watch the show and know exactly what moves are the toughest to execute. Whether it’s for a big flag/rifle toss, a company front, or high-knee marching, when the crowd erupts with cheers, the band really connects with its audience,” says one former band member.

Central Mountain’s show contains many memorable moments in the drill and routine that the students are working hard each week to perfect. Be sure to check out their field show the next time you are at a home football game, or come to Wellsboro on October 5th and watch them as they attend a Tournament of Bands competition.

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