Optimist’s Roundtable
By Martha Sykes
As I was writing a sermon from the gospel of Mark 5:21-43, the story inspired me to write this poem that I am sharing with you this week. It was the story of the woman who had been suffering for twelve years and as she found Jesus, she touched His garment and she was healed. Her faith was so strong that she believed Jesus would help her if she just reached out to Him. This passage demonstrates how our faith in Jesus matters when we need His healing in any situation.
There are so many stories in the Bible where we find that someone’s faith changed their lives. The stories are telling us what it is like to reach out to Jesus in times of pain, heartache, doubt and even fear. We all have been in need of healing at some point or another, and we have been in need of the merciful touch of Jesus. We live in trying times and we, like that woman, have to reach out and touch the robe of Christ and ask for His grace.
Endless Grace
Jesus wants us to trust Him
To lean on His Holy name
Just like the faith of those before us
He wants us to do the same
Because if we put our faith in Jesus Christ
And serve Him till the end
He will bless us with His mercy
And always be our Friend
There is nothing in this world
That can separate us from His love
He is always in our presence
As He looks down from heaven above
We need to have that touch of faith
That is strong as strong can be
A faith that can make a difference
In this world for all to see