County voter registration office: movin’ on down
LOCK HAVEN, PA – Clinton County officials announced at the county commissioners’ work session on Monday that the Piper Building third floor office of county voter registrar Maria Boileau will soon be relocated to the building’s first floor.
Director Boileau said the new quarters “will be nice for the public.” Commissioner Jeff Snyder said the Boileau office will be relocated into the first floor office presently housing the three county auditors. That office will be moved to space in the county’s Garden Building at Main and Jay Streets. Snyder noted an assistant for the voters’ office is to be hired and the relocation should be completed in “two to three weeks; maybe a little longer.”
Meanwhile the auditors’ move into the first floor of the Garden Building will utilize some of the space created when Penn State Extension relocated from that building back to the Conservation District building along Route 64 near Lamar.
Boileau put in a plug for the candidate information meeting to be held on the second floor of the Piper Building on Monday, Feb. 6. The 6:30 p.m. gathering is for those considering running in this spring’s municipal primary election. She noted the candidates’ petition-gathering window will run from Feb. 14 through March 7. The primary election date is May 14.