Words of Grace
Beware of Dog
By Rev. Mahlon Nevel
As the customer approached general store, something got his attention. There was a large sign on the door with these words: Warning! Beware of Dog!
With caution, the man entered the store. When he was inside all that he saw was a fat old hound sleeping on the floor.
“Is that the dog folks are supposed to beware of?” He asked the store owner.
“Yep that’s the one,” he answered.
“He doesn’t look at all that dangerous to me,” responded the customer. “Why would you post that sign?”
“Because,” said the owner “before I posted that sign people kept tripping over him.”
Twenty-six times in the Word of God we are told of things to beware of.
Jesus told his disciples in his sermon on the mount to beware of false prophets who would come to them in sheep’s clothing. They appear fine on the outside, but on the inside “they are ravening wolves.” (Matthew 7:15).
Jesus also warned his disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees (Matthew 16:6) What he was referring to was the doctrine of the Pharisees. Jesus warned them of false doctrine. (V. 12)
Jesus is the true teacher who taught the truth of God’s Word. Beware of false teachers and their false teaching.