Backyard Gardening
Brighten Your Winter Day with Miniature Roses!
By Kathryn Dorman
According to the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, William Shakespeare’s favorite flower was most likely the rose. In his plays, he mentions roses over seventy times, more than any other flower. “Of all flowers, me thinks a rose is best,” is spoken by Emilia in the play “The Two Noble Kinsmen,” attributed to Shakespeare and John Fletcher. In the play “Romeo and Juliet,” Shakespeare wrote, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.”

Photo credit: Kathryn Dorman
I like roses, too, almost as much as I love irises. Roses are among my top five favorite flowers. My wedding bouquet consisted of a dozen red roses. I have a couple of rose bushes planted in my flower beds. I’m also growing several miniature rose plants in pots as houseplants. I love the scent of roses. Unfortunately, I’m better off appreciating roses from a distance, or my allergies act up, giving me a sore throat or even worse, a headache.
According to North Carolina State University, roses are deciduous, perennial, woody shrubs or vines. They are native to regions of the Northern Hemisphere, including Asia, Europe, and North America. According to the University of Illinois, most roses are members of the rose (Rosaceae) family and belong to the single genus Rosa.
There are only a few exceptions: The Lenten rose is actually a hellebore (Helleborus spp.). The confederate rose (Hibiscus mutabilis), and the rose of Sharon (H. syriacus) are members of the mallow (Malvaceae) family.
True roses are classified by taxonomists based on several characteristics. All roses have stipules – flag-like appendages at the base of the leaf. Leaves are alternate with notched edges. Leaves are also compound, usually with an odd number of leaflets. Roses have prickles, not true thorns. Flower parts typically occur in multiples of five. The fruiting bodies, called rose hips, are unique to roses. Roses often have a distinctive and sweet fragrance.
Roses can now be found in every color of the rainbow, even green (Rosa chinensis ‘Viridiflora’). Blue roses are, however, very rare. The American Rose Society has divided all roses into three main groups based on origin and botanical characteristics. They include species (wild) roses, old garden roses (pre-1867), and modern roses (post-1867). This date, 1867, separates old roses from modern roses due to the introduction of the first hybrid tea rose.
These three groups have been further divided into 37 classes according to their origin and growth habits. There are now over 40,000 named roses.
The great variety of roses can be very overwhelming. Since Pennsylvanians mostly remain indoors in midwinter, the remainder of this article will focus on miniature roses. Although very winter hardy, miniature roses can also be grown in containers as houseplants. Now that the holiday season is behind us and most Christmas lights have been taken down, I look for anything to brighten my day. Miniature roses can be cheery and colorful reminders that the snow will melt and spring will return (see photo 1).
One class of modern rose is the miniature rose. Miniature roses (Rosa chinensis minima) originated in China. All parts of miniature rose plants are proportionately smaller than their larger-sized rose cousins. Plant heights of miniature roses range from 3 inches to 18 inches. Most are continuous bloomers with little or no fragrance.
Miniature roses come in a variety of different forms and colors. There are miniature versions of many different full-sized rose varieties, including climbing roses, creeping ground-cover roses, floribundas, hybrid teas, and even some old garden roses.

Photo credit: Kathryn Dorman
According to Iowa State University, all roses require six or more hours of full sun and acidic to neutral soil with lots of organic matter. Place the miniature rose in a south- or west-facing window. Rotate plants once or twice a week to promote even growth. Fertilize the miniature rose once or twice a month with a diluted fertilizer solution.
Miniature roses also require a consistent moisture supply. When the soil surface becomes dry to the touch, water the plant until water flows out the bottom of the container. Paradoxically, roses will not tolerate soggy soil. Good drainage is necessary to provide adequate air for proper root development. Be careful not to over-water your roses. Once they get root rot, they go downhill very fast.
Remove flowers as they fade. This is called deadheading. Cut off the stem just above the uppermost compound leaf. Deadheading promotes new growth and additional blooms.
Discolored leaves and fine webbing are signs that spider mites may be present. Control them by spraying plants with insecticidal soap. Disease problems include anthracnose, black spot, blight, botrytis, powdery mildew, and rust. To prevent or minimize disease problems, remove and destroy any dead, yellowing, or spotted leaves. Cut out stems with dark or reddish lesions. To keep the leaves dry and prevent disease, water at ground level.
Try to grow your own miniature roses indoors. I will occasionally find miniature rose plants in a local grocery store. Finding a miniature rose plant with your favorite color of flowers can be irresistible (see photo 2)! By following the advice given in this article, you, too, can keep miniature roses alive and thriving all winter long.
Kathryn Dorman has been a Penn State Extension Master Gardener of Clinton County since 2017. She can be reached at or the Master Gardener Hotline in Clinton County at (570) 858-0198.