Police Blotter 03/01/25
Police Blotter
Lock Haven Police Department News February 1, 2025
Crash – On February 24, 2025, at approximately 6:50 p.m., a collision occurred between two vehicles at the intersection of Bellefonte Avenue and S. Highland Street. Vehicle 1 was in the center turning lane, trying to turn left from Bellefonte Avenue onto S. Highland Street. Meanwhile, another vehicle was positioned facing Vehicle 1 in the same center turn lane, attempting to turn onto N. Fairview Street from Bellefonte Avenue. As Vehicle 1 moved to make the left turn, it was unable to see Vehicle 2, which was traveling eastbound on Bellefonte Avenue, navigating around the stationary vehicle in the center lane. Vehicle 2 collided with Vehicle 1 during the attempted turn. Both vehicles were subsequently towed from the scene.
Offenses Charged:
Teisa Meixel, 30, of Lock Haven, was arrested for Possession of a Controlled Substance and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. On October 5, 2024, at approximately 3:00 a.m., Meixel was taken into custody on a probation detainer in the 600 block of E. Church Street. When officers searched Meixel, multiple bags containing methamphetamine were located, along with drug paraphernalia.
Alisha Jefferson, 31, Erick Reeves, 37, and Julie Sellinger, 32, all from Lock Haven, were all arrested for Unauthorized School Bus Entry. On February 12, 2025, at approximately 7:15 a.m., Jefferson, Reeves, and Sellinger all entered a school bus that was stopped at the intersection of Maple Street and Youngs Avenue without the authorization of the bus driver.
Stephen Heverly Jr, 39, of Lock Haven, was cited with Defiant Trespass. On February 22, 2025, at approximately 7:45 a.m., Heverly went to the Lucky 7 Travel Plaza, 360 E. Walnut St, after having been trespassed from the property, according to police.
Randell Peterson, 45, Lock Haven, was arrested for Strangulation and Simple Assault. On February 26, 2025, at approximately 7:00 a.m., Peterson strangled the victim at the bottom of a staircase of a residence in the 700 block of Linden Street. The assault continued in the kitchen, where Peterson again strangled the victim, restricting the victim’s ability to breathe.
Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: https://clinton.crimewatchpa.com/lockhavenpd/133026/post/news-release-march-1-2025
Woodward Township Police Department:
The following incidents were reported from January 1st through January 31st, 2025:
1-1 High Meadow Lane – Criminal Mischief.
1-1 Elizabeth Bilbay – Cited for Criminal Mischief.
1-3 Woodward Avenue – Check on the Welfare of Person.
1-4 Woodward Ave – Furnishing Alcohol To Minors.
1-8 West Church Street – Assist Lock Haven P.D. With Domestic Dispute.
1-9 Hickory Drive – Lost Property
1-9 Crist Lane – Abandoned Vehicle Towed.
1-9 Woodward Avenue – Endangering Welfare of Children.
1-10 Ocean Drive – Indecent Assault.
1-13 East Water Street – Assist Lock Haven P.D. with Domestic Dispute.
1-13 Woodward Avenue – Disorderly Vehicle.
1-13 Crist Lane – Harassment.
1-14 Crist Lane – Terroristic Threats.
1-14 East Hillside Drive – Parking Complaint.
1-14 Woodward Avenue – Reportable Motor Vehicle Accident.
1-14 Park Avenue – Assist Pine Creek P.D. Possible Burglary in Progress.
1-17 Lilac Lane – Assist Sheriff’s Department Serving PFA.
1-17 Lilac Lane – Simple Assault.
1-17 Lily Ann Dugan – Arrested For Simple Assault.
1-18 Queens Run Road – Animal Complaint.
1-21 Shirks Addition Lane – Animal Complaint.
1-22 Woodward Avenue – Vehicle Diving Erratically.
1-23 Acorn Lane – Abandoned Vehicle.
1-24 Hickory Drive – Sexual Assault.
1-24 East Water Street – Assist Lock Haven PD With PFA Violation Arrest.
1-24 Merrill Lane – Ordinance Violation.
1-24 Eden Lane – Suspicious Activity.
1-24 Woodward Avenue – Alarm Sounding.
1-25 Cider Press Road – Unlawful Contact With Minor.
1-25 Cider Press Road – Transmission of Sexually Explicit Images By Minor.
1-28 Woodland Drive – Missing Person.
1-31 Crist Lane – Domestic Dispute.
1-1 to 1-31 Seven (7) traffic-related calls
All persons accused of committing a crime, and any discussion thereof, are presumed to be innocent until and unless proven guilty in a court of law.
Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: https://clinton.crimewatchpa.com/woodwardtwppd/135769/post/police-incident-blotter-37
Renovo Police Department:
The Renovo Police Department has charged 38-year-old Dennis Curran, currently of Renovo, with Misdemeanor Harassment. This stems from a series of messages that Curran sent a victim in February 2025, allegedly making threats of harm. Curran has been sent a summons through District Court 25-3-03.
Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: https://clinton.crimewatchpa.com/renovopd/133064/arrests/curran-dennis-d-182709-a4-harassment-m3