Pine Creek Township Police “Operation Christmas Program” signups start Nov. 4
PINE CREEK TOWNSHIP, PA -The Pine Creek Township Police Department will be accepting families for their “Operation Christmas” program, a help fund designed to provide Christmas gifts to families in need in the Avis Borough, Dunnstable Township, Wayne Township, and Pine Creek Township areas.
Application forms can be found on the department page, under Christmas Program Application or picked up at or office. Residents of the community who did not benefit from the program in the last two years may come to the Department at 23 Municipal Drive, Avis, PA and sign up and provide a wish list of gifts and sizes for their children if there is a need for help for Christmas.
Parents can come to the Police Department on the following dates: -Wednesday, Nov. 9 4 pm – 6 pm ; Wednesday, Nov. 16 4 pm – 6 pm – Wednesday, Nov. 23 4 pm – 6 pm and Wednesday, Nov. 30 3 pm – 5 pm
Township police said they are pleased to have the help again this year from a local business with additional sign up times. Individuals who are unable to come to the police department may also sign up at Aungst Cuts, 24 W Central Ave, Avis during the month of November on the following days and times:
Mondays; Tuesdays; Thursdays; Fridays 8 a.m.-12 pm or 2 pm to 4 pm
The gifts will be purchased, wrapped, and delivered the day before Christmas. This is not a program based on family income. The only requirements are that the children must be age 15 or younger and the family must provide proof of residency in one of the municipalities that Pine Creek Township police provides coverage for. Photo ID of the guardian, a current utility bill and proof of guardianship of the children must be provided. If a business or individual wishes to make a monetary contribution to the Pine Creek Township Police Department “Operation Christmas” program, you may mail your donation payable to Operation Christmas, PO Box 596, Avis, PA 17721.
Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: