Clinton County Camp Cadet is back! May 7 application due date.

By Christopher Miller
LOCK HAVEN, PA – After a two year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic uncertainties, Clinton County Camp Cadet is back in 2022.
Official news was recently released on the Clinton County Police Camp Cadet Facebook page: “Great News. LHU has approved our request to hold our program on campus from July 18 to July 23. Ages 11 to 15 who live in Clinton County or attend a school in the county are eligible.”
What is described as a “memorable experience,” the Camp Cadet program has been occurring since 1991 in Clinton County. This year it will take place on the Lock Haven University campus as the previous site, LHU’s conference center along Fishing Creek near Lamar is not available.
“We hold his camp because we simply want to have a positive relationship with the kids in the community,” explained camp organizer and volunteer Charles Shoemaker. “A lot of times police interact with children in a situation that is not favorable and we want to show the children what we do in law enforcement,” he explained, as a sort of sneak “behind the scenes” peek.”
“It’s a lot of hard work,” the retired Lock Haven police offcer/county detective explained. “Most of the kids find the first day into the second day to be very unfamiliar territory with military-style discipline which looks a lot like the current training at the police academy.”
Such discipline, in fact, that the children who fully immerse themselves in the experience will be learning organizational skills, team work skills, levels of independence and self-discipline, and physical fitness.
“We have people that went through the program who became attorneys, state police, United States Secret Service members, teachers, and other professionals in the community,” Shoemaker explained. “Quite a few of our graduates have become state and municipal officers, and many who did not identify the career choice of police until they got to the camp actually went on to become officers, so this program introduces them to that career path.”
On the state level, Camp Cadet was formed in 1970 by Trooper Albert R. Vish of the Pennsylvania State Police. There are currently 30 other counties in Pennsylvania who have established a similar program. Over 2,300 boys and girls have graduated from the program in Clinton County alone.
The Camp Cadet program is being held on July 18 – July 23, 2022 and is an overnight camp occurring on the campus of Lock Haven University. The program is established for boys and girls, aged 11 – 15 years, who reside in Clinton County, or attend any Clinton County school. Only 40 boy cadets and 40 girl cadets will be appointed. To keep up with the strenuous daily schedule of events it is recommended that applicants be in good physical condition. These are the only requirements.
The goal of Camp Cadet is to provide an enjoyable experience that will be remembered by all Cadets who attend, and to create that lasting impression that police officers are their friends. They are exposed to law enforcement activities, and provided with an opportunity to get to know police officers on a personal basis.
Clinton County Camp Cadet is “A Memorable Experience”
• Instill self confidence and trust in our local community and agencies through education
• Learn about Police History and Fire Safety Instruction
• Meet members from EMS & Police Departments
• Visit the 911 Center & Correctional Facility (this may change due to COVID-19 protocols)
• Educate cadets about firearm safety
• Organize cadets to work together achieving goals toward graduation
Each year select students are invited to come back the next year to participate as a counselor for groups of 10 students as Junior Staff. Out of those children, 1 boy and 1 girl are invited to come back for a third year to supervise the Junior Staff and the regular cadets, but there are requirements that must be met in order for them to come back such as good grades, a community service project, having no issues at home, and no adverse problems with police in the meantime. For these kids who are selected to come back, they have the chance to attend the Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner’s Honor Camp in Hershey, go to Hershey Park, tour the Harrisburg Capitol building, and possibly meet the Governor or Lieutenant Governor.
Applications are available on or after January 1. They can be obtained at any school, law enforcement agency in Clinton County, or downloaded from the website Applications may be submitted by email to Applications are due before May 7.
“Those who applied and were accepted to participate in 2020 will be given top priority to attend this year’s camp if they are still interested,” said Shoemaker. “New applicants are encouraged to put in an application.”
Camp Cadet staff encourages all interested young people to apply for this program.
Clinton County Police Camp Cadet
Facebook: @ClintonCountyCampCadet