Word of Grace

By Rev. Mahlon Nevel

Every year at this time we do two things. We welcome in the new year and we bid farewell to the old year.
New things and old things are all around us. Jesus told about a householder who brought forth from his possessions “things new and old” ( Matthew 13: 52).

As a result of Christmas we now have some new things. It is time to put on the new things as we put off the old things.

This is what we are told to do in the Colossians 3:8-14. We are to put off the old life and to put on the new life.
Ephesians 4:22-24 also tells us to put off the old man with it corruption, and to put on the new man with its righteousness and Holiness. The old nature is after Adam and the new nature is from Christ.

The first creation in Adam was on probation and failed. The new creation in Christ was also on probation, but it did not fail.

Anyone who is in Christ, according to Second Corinthians 5:17, has become a new creation. The old things are passing away, and all things are becoming new.



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