Mill Hall Man Dead, One Injured in Amish Cart-Truck Accident

news-break-feaMILES TOWNSHIP, Centre County — An elderly Mill Hall man is dead, a Rebersburg man critically injured, the result of a Friday night accident involving their horse-drawn cart and a pick-up truck.

Rockview state police said the mishap took the life of Elam Stoltzfus, 75, of Mill Hall. He was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident, Route 192 (the Brush Valley Road) in Miles Township. Injured was Elmer Stoltzfus, 31, of Rebersburg; he was transported by Life-flight to the Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, his condition as of Saturday night listed as critical.

State police said the Stoltzfus cart was eastbound on Route 192 when it was struck from behind by a pick-up truck operated by William Brooks, 47, of Rebersburg. Brooks was later taken to the Mount Nittany Medical Center for a blood test and charged with suspicion of DUI.

State police said their investigation is continuing.

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