CMHS and CMHS Present Student Government Reports

By Christopher Miller

BALD EAGLE TOWNSHIP – Representatives from Central Mountain High School and Middle School met with the Keystone Central School Board Thursday evening.

Claire Bowman, representing the high school, updated the school board on the happenings at her school.

We have activities finishing up and some starting up. Wrestling will go to the State Tournament, and congratulations to basketball being second in the District Tournament. We have students in regional and state competitions for choir, band, Skills USA, and a cappella. Many things are starting up in the spring such as spring sports, the high school musical performing Chicago, spring choir, band and orchestra concerts in May, and of course graduation for our seniors. Senior project presentations are happening March 17, and many scholarships are opening up. Our school counselors are doing a great job helping students apply for them, and applying to colleges. 

In student government, we have weekly meetings with Principal Verrelli, and we met with the entire Student Government staff and Dr. Redmon where we discussed topics such as graduation requirements and credits, and we believe the current format needs to be reevaluated. We have the possibility to update electives being offered. We want them to be more appealing and beneficial to the students.

Lastly, we have read the comments recently on social media and heard them throughout the community regarding our school being bad and unsafe. When I started here in 2020 we were scared of walking the hallways and using the bathrooms. We feared getting involved in an altercation. Since then those feelings have dissipated. Yes, there will be future altercations every once in a while, it happens at every school across the nation. Students and teachers today mention how it is a different environment today than a few years ago. We appreciate the support and dedication from the board and the administration. We always have ways that we can improve.

Next, Madison Yurchak, Student Government Secretary, spoke to the board about the happenings at the middle school.

We had our trench ball tournaments which were a complete success. We had 15 – 5th and 6th grade teams, and 11 – 7th and 8th grade teams competing and we raised a total of $1,700. A shout out to everyone involved who made the event a success. We have a Google Form out for feedback for things to work on and we are analyzing the responses. Students are concerned about discipline on the buses. Team members met to brainstorm solutions and a survey went out to students to prioritize and address concerns. Administration will develop a plan to implement to make safe environments on the buses and to promote positive behaviors. 

Lastly, Mini THON will feature live performances, guest speakers, and dances. Our goal is to raise. $25,000 with all the money raised to go toward funding research into childhood cancer. People can donate online, on the Central Mountain Middle School website, under the Mini THON Donor Drive.


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