Words of Grace

By Rev. Mahlon Nevel

The thief comes to steal, but what if the owner of the house knew what hour the thief would come? He would be ready for him. He would be watching for him, not allowing his house to be broken into. (Luke 12:39)

“You also be ready,” Jesus warned his disciples, “for the Son of man comes at an hour when you think not” (V. 40).
Jesus is saying to us today “Here I come, ready or not!” So we need to be ready.

The apostle Peter, in his First Epistle, also tells us to be ready. We are to always be ready to give an answer to anyone who might ask us to give reason for the hope we have in Jesus. (3:15)

If somebody asks us about our faith, we must be able to say what we believe. There are those who want to know what the Bible says. Be ready to give them a scriptual answer.

A man was once asked what he believed. “I believe what my church believes,” he answered. “And what does your church believe?”

“Well,” the man responded, “my church believes what I believe.”

Still not satisfied with that answer, he had one final question: “But what do both believe?”

There are far too many church members who have no idea of what they or their church believes.


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