KC Board Hears Increased Enrollment, Annual Report Request from Charter School
By Christopher Miller
BALD EAGLE TOWNSHIP – School Board Member and Loganton-area representative Chris Scaff presented an update from a recent meeting with Sugar Valley Rural Charter School regarding their charter.
A majority of the meeting was focused on the charter school’s request to increase enrollment from 475 to 495 total students, along with a brief discussion on class sizes and the school’s annual report.
The current agreement in place allows for a total enrollment of 475 students but charter school administration is requesting that the enrollment cap be raised to allow an additional 20 students to enroll.
“This is about the students, not the cost,” said board member Chris Scaff. “It is not our money anyway, it is the taxpayers.” Scaff also mentioned that, “to restrict the charter school from growing is a huge injustice” and that negotiations went well, on the right track, and he see’s no reason not to allow the cap to increase to 495 students.
The matter was not voted on at Thursday’s meeting.
Current class sizes at the charter school are between 16 and 19 students per class, with some class sizes varying between 10 and 17 students depending on the subjects being taught. Currently there are between 36 and 38 students per grade with grades K-12 represented at the school.
Lastly, the charter school, in the past, has been required to present an annual report to the school board. The school is requesting that they now submit the report to each school member individually, and then if anything remains unclear a formal meeting and presentation before the board take place.
After this discussion, a vote took place to “move” the entirety of the agenda with the exception of several items for discussion and individual vote.
The board approved the following personnel items:
Leave of absence for Lisa Riggle, General Cafeteria Worker, at Central Mountain Middle School, effective January 6, 2025. Absence is compensated.
Leave of absence for Jacqueline Weaver, Custodian, at Robb Elementary School, effective January 15, 2025 through January 31, 2025. Absence is uncompensated.
Leave of absence for Jonathon Hart, Fifth Grade Teacher, at Central Mountain Middle School, effective January 9, 2025. Absence is uncompensated.
Leave of absence for Cheyenne Redcay, Learning Support Teacher, at Central Mountain Middle School, effective May 14 through the end of the 24-25 school year. Absence is partially compensated.
Leave of absence for Madison Yunker, Guidance Counselor, at Central Mountain High School, effective April 11 through the end of the 24-25 school year. Absence is partially compensated.
Employment of Holly Smeltzer, General Cafeteria Worker at Central Mountain Middle School, effective TBD at a rate of $14.25/hour, paid from the General Fund per the ESP Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.
Employment of Christine Conway, 210 Custodian at Bucktail Middle/High School, effective TBD at a rate of $14.25/hour, paid from the General Fund per the ESP Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.
Employment of Kelli Chatham, General Cafeteria Worker at Central Mountain High School, effective TBD at a rate of $14.25/hour, paid from the General Fund per the ESP Contract. Hiring is contingent upon receipt of all required paperwork including, but not limited to, all necessary background checks that meet the appropriate standard(s) as required by Pennsylvania law. Filled due to vacancy.
Support Transfer Shannon Goodling, 210 Custodian at Bucktail Middle/High School to 260 Custodian at Bucktail Middle/High School, effective May 1, 2025. Filled due to retirement.
Jessica Warr, General Cafeteria Worker at CMHS to Cafeteria Manager at Central Mountain Middle School, with a salary of $28,500, prorated, paid from the General Fund, effective May 1, 2025. Salary and Benefits are according to the Non-Instructional Act 93 agreement. Filled due to retirement.
Resignation of Ashley Meskell, General Cafeteria Worker at Central Mountain High School effective January 21, 2025.
Resignation of Tawnya Gilberthorp, General Cafeteria Worker at Central Mountain High School effective January 22, 2025.
Resignation of Alyssa Kramer, General Cafeteria Worker at Central Mountain High School effective March 21, 2025.
School board member Tom Cannon was not present at Thursday’s Voting Meeting.