KCSD announces Kindergarten Registration is Now Open for 2025-2026 school year
Attention KCSD Families!
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year is NOW OPEN!!
If your student will be 5 on or before September 1, please call your local school to schedule your appointment today!
If you can’t make the date scheduled for your school, you can schedule an appointment at another school.
What to expect:
Students will go to the classroom to go through a couple of rotations where they will receive a vision screening and a couple of brief academic assessments. When they are all done, they will leave with some goodies to help them get ready for Kindergarten this fall.
While the students are completing their rotations, the parents will have their own rotations to go through as well. Parents will complete or finish the online registration piece and turn in any missing required documents, meet with the school nurse, and then the school counselor.
Information to start collecting for your appointment:
- Child’s birth certificate
- Parent/guardian photo ID (driver’s license or passport)
- Immunization information
- Proof of Residency:
○ Public assistance or social security issued within the last 30 days showing the physical address of residence.
○ Any other documentation within the last 30 days deemed relevant by KCSD indicating physical address of residence (e.g. current utility bill, current credit card, or current vehicle registration).
We are so excited to welcome the Class of 2036!
If you have any questions about the process, please call the Registrar Tammy Mills at 570-893-4900, ext. 2106, or email tmills@kcsd.k12.pa.us.