Rooney Seeks Another Term as Auditor
LOCK HAVEN – Robert E. (Butch) Rooney, 42 Dogwood Drive, announces his intention to seek re-election as Clinton County Auditor. He has held this position for the past 14 years, and is a Democrat.
Rooney, a graduate of St. Joseph’s High School in Renovo, and U.T.T. Business School in Philadelphia, majored in business, data processing, and accounting. He also completed Dale Carnegie classes in Human Behavior, Principles of Management at Lycoming College, Sociology at Lock Haven University, and Auditors Seminars at Penn State University.
He has been married for 48 years to the former Mary (Mame) Marino, also a graduate of St. Joseph’s High School in Renovo. They are the parents of a daughter, Heather Ann Rooney-George, married to Robert L. George Jr. The Rooney’s are the proud grandparents of two grandchildren, Bobby George and Sophia George.
Rooney is a member of St. Agnes Church, a life member of the Benevolent Protective Order of the Elks Lodge 182, and the Sons of Italy.
(Editor’s Note: “therecord-online” welcomes candidacy announcements from those seeking elective office in the Clinton County spring primary election of May 19. Our policy will be to run announcements from those seeking a county row office, including district attorney, all will be sized equally with a picture as submitted by the candidate. Placement of announcements from other municipal candidates across the county will be treated in a similar manner. Announcements will be run as submitted by the candidate. The “record-online” does reserve the right to edit such announcements, if the content is deemed inappropriate or grammatically incorrect).