Crowell Seeks Second Term for Auditor

Michelle Crowell Clinton County Auditor (R)
Michelle Crowell
Clinton County Auditor (R)
LOCK HAVEN – Michelle Crowell has announced that she will be seeking reelection for a second term as Clinton County Auditor. She received the Democratic nomination in 2011 and went on to fill one of the three Auditor seats.
Michelle is on the Executive Board of the Clinton County Democratic Women. In 2012, she was honored Outstanding Elected Woman of the Year, representing Region 10, by the Pennsylvania Federation of Democratic Women. She is a member of the Pennsylvania State Association of County Auditors where she served on the budget committee in 2014. 

Michelle is a life-long Clinton County resident. She is a 1996 graduate of Lock Haven High School and attended Lock Haven University.  She works part-time at Therapeutic Health Care Center.  Currently she sits on the Executive Board of Millbrook Playhouse, serving as the Assistant Treasurer. She is a member of the Holy Spirit Parish and a volunteer at Lock Haven Catholic School.  

Michelle resides in Lock Haven with her husband, Bill Crowell who is employed by the Lock Haven Express. They have one daughter, Maia, age 8. She is the daughter of Pat & Carol Leone of Lock Haven.

(Editor’s Note: “therecord-online” welcomes candidacy announcements from those seeking elective office in the Clinton County spring primary election of May 19. Our policy will be to run announcements from those seeking a county row office, including district attorney, all will be sized equally with a picture as submitted by the candidate. Placement of announcements from other municipal candidates across the county will be treated in a similar manner. Announcements will be run as submitted by the candidate. The “record-online” does reserve the right to edit such announcements, if the content is deemed inappropriate or grammatically incorrect).

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