Clinton County approves relocation/recruitment program for county employers
LOCK HAVEN, PA – The Clinton County Commissioners on Thursday approved allocating $150,000 in American Rescue Plan funds for its “Live and Work Clinton County” relocation and recruitment pilot program.
Commissioner Angela Harding noted local employers struggling to find employees will be involved in the program set-up. As first announced at the county commissioners’ Monday work session, the program is to provide a financial incentive for non-county residents to relocate to the county once employment is offered and accepted.
The money is for a two-year pilot program and more could be provided later as the ARP funds have a five year expiration date.
She said the county is fine-tuning the list of participating employers. Many companies across the county have been advertising for additional employees. Harding said county representatives have been meeting with local employers on the project and are working to accommodate their needs.
The Thursday vote to approve the new program was unanimous.