Letter to the Editor 10/9


Part #2… Requested Absentee Ballots – Dicey, but- yes! … Un-Requested Mail-In-Ballots – NO!  Vote In Person If AT ALL POSSIBLE

No ‘FRAUD’ or Threat of Irregularities via Mail-In-Voting, Eh?! ‘Headline- “Kentucky : U.S. Postal Employee No Longer Employed After 112 Ballots Found In Dumpster.”

In Pa.,The Susquehanna River might be ‘floating-white’ w/ mail in ballots… ALL for TRUMP.

The Democrats know they can’t obtain power via elections, unless by doing so fraudulently. And they are good at doing that (in my opinion). Also, in my opinion, Obama ‘slipped-in’ to the presidency via the back door. He sweet-talked his way into office. G.W. Bush’s economy opened the door for him. And the country paid for that for 8 years. So the democrats by way of Obama, turned to ‘packing-the-courts’ with appointed liberal federal circuit-court judges. Now, they challenge EVERYTHING, banking on the court’s ruling in their favor. They’ve circumvented election results by doing so. Obama appointed a bunch of liberal-collaborating judges.  But as it turned out, he left a ton of empty judge seats when he left office. Why did Obama leave so many empty seats? Hillary Clinton being elected was assured to carry on the appointments- that’s why. Enter, President Trump. It boils- Them that Pres. Trump, w/ the Senate majority, has confirmed the empty judge seats to the tune of 215+ appointments since being elected.

Fast forward to the November 3rd Election… By scamming the ballot count, via fraudulently manipulating the mail-in-ballot procedure that they so conveniently initiated, the final count will go on until they get the results required. No definitive majority in the general election. A pre-planned split in Elector College votes (neither candidate obtaining the 270 votes necessary). Knowing the phony count will be challenged and eventually end up in the courts. All the way to the SCOTUS, eventually. Plot ?! SCOTUS, was to be a tie 4-4 , w/ un-reliable G.W. Bush appointed Chief Justice Roberts casting the deciding vote. Me thinks the Dems were counting on Roberts swing in their favor. WHAMO! Biden gets the nod!  Alas- the DNC didn’t take the passing of RBG into the equation. Now the court, soon-to-be a 5 to 4 Conservative majority, depending on an ‘Up-Vote’ for Amy Barrett (giving Chief Justice Roberts to the Liberal camp), puts a wrench into the presidential outcome that the Democrats’ were banking-on. The Constitution’s 12th Amendment ‘kicks-in’. Sending the final outcome to the States via each state getting ONE vote. Democrat vs. Republican dominated states. So, even though the House has 435 representatives, the majority of whom are Democrats, there will only be 50 votes cast—one for each state’s delegation… And here’s the kicker … wait for it… The Republicans control more state delegations than the Democrats (there are more republican states)! So Biden loses either way! America IS SAVED! Bottom Line- RBG’s passing turned the diabolical-election-stealing-scheme by the DNC on its head!

Vote, Trump! … MAGA

Paul Johnson

Breesport, NY


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