Letter to Editor 09/03
Recent letters to the editor have displayed what must be characterized as a mortal fear of one man and his super-human ability to wreck our great nation because of a certain set of cult-like followers who all think the same way and have ignorantly pledged their commitment to support this one man without logic or reason.
Yes, I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and so did a majority of Pennsylvanians and the reason why that was such a surprise to the pundits on election night was a deep seated hatred and distain for a man that anyone would admit is not perfect- Yes he is flawed just like the rest of us.
In the August 06, 2020 edition of The Record, the writer, who hails from Honolulu, Hawaii, indicated that Donald Trump’s approval ratings were tanking and that he was trailing Joe Biden by double digits in every battleground state. If that is the case, it would seem that a majority of Americans have figured out that they just don’t like our current president and, like we have for over 200 years in this country, will decide that another person can do a better job.
It is entirely possible, though, that the writer fears a repeat of 2016 when the polls showed Trump well behind Clinton right up to the time that the polls closed on election night. Perhaps those same supporters are doing what they did in 2016 – Reject being labeled a “basket of deplorables” because they want America to be a proud nation where every individual has the freedom to succeed.
Is it possible that Trump supporters, just like Biden supporters, do not all think and act alike but represent many different people from many different backgrounds? Is it possible that those who are going to vote for Trump don’t want to tell the Pope pollsters and their partisan crazy friends and family on both sides of the political spectrum who they are going to vote for it because it is none of their business? Is it possible that Trump supporters don’t like some things they see with their chosen candidate but they are going to vote for him anyway because they feel he is a better choice than any other candidate?
Stop spreading fear that our great nation is going to implode because one man approaches situations a little differently than you might like. Stop the partisan politics and have some confidence in your fellow Americans and Pennsylvanian’s.
Lastly I would like to suggest a book that I think your readers might enjoy. It is a book about simple truths and personal responsibility called “Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout” by Rick Rigsby, Ph D. You might just hear some stuff that your mom or dad told you never to forget while you were growing up – Enjoy the book and live a fulfilling life. God-bless you all and God bless America.
Joan Hemmerly Polus
RHS class of 1952
Roswell, Georgia