Words of Grace

By Rev. Mahlon Nevel

“I am crucified with Christ.” What the apostle Paul was Saying in Galatians 2:20 is that when Jesus died on the Cross, he died with him.

The death of Christ on the cross was very personal to the apostle. At the end of this verse he wrote: “I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”

As the hymn writer penned many years ago: “He was crucified, For me He died, On Calvary.”

A preacher once spoke of his lack of formal education. “I have never been to college,” he admitted, “but I have been to Calvary.”

Englishman Lord Guthry heard those words, and they never slipped from his memory. While he was studying for his law degree in London, it was his custom to hear some of the great preachers of the city.

Years later, he could recall the names of those he heard, but he could not remember a single sentence from the lips of any of the learned preachers of that day. All he remembered were the words:

“I have never been to college, but I have been to Calvary.”


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