PennDOT announces Monday restart on Renovo west end bridge work
RENOVO, PA – PennDOT has announced that the contractor for a bridge preservation project in Clinton County is restarting work on Monday of this week. The bridge spans the Norfolk Southern railroad along Route 120 (Huron Avenue), and the preservation work will improve the structure’s sufficiency rating form fair to good.
Work will resume with milling, paving and guide rail updates. Flaggers in the roadway will provide traffic control. PennDOT urges drivers to anticipate delays, build extra time into their travel schedules, exercise caution, obey posted speed limits in all work zones, and always buckle up.
Overall work on this project includes deck replacements, concrete repairs, guide rail updates, and miscellaneous construction on two bridges. The contractor completed work on the other bridge, which spans the West Branch of the Susquehanna River along Route 1002 (Island Road) in Dunstable Township, last construction season. Swank Construction Company of New Kensington, PA is the contractor for this $3.2 million job.