M&T Bank supports Downtown Lock Haven, Inc.

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Bringing events and activities to downtown Lock Haven requires community support. M&T Bank answered the call through their grant program by donating $1,600 to the nonprofit organization.

Downtown manager, Kira Rosamilia applied for the contribution and was ecstatic to learn that she was chosen to receive funding to help the cause. “This will give us the opportunity to bring several extras to the Best of Clinton County event on June 17. We will have a bounce house for children and several other fun opportunities” she said.

Shelley Lewis at the Mill Hall M & T location recently presented a check to Downtown President Angela Harding and Treasurer Ben Green as the Downtown manager was unable to attend. “Downtown is so appreciative of the support from M&T Bank. The board, businesses, and residents can’t thank them enough for their investment in the organization and our mission to make downtown a place where people want to be,” said Harding.

Green added, “Corporate investment in our organization gets us closer to becoming a Main Street Designated organization through the Pennsylvania Downtown Center and provides sustainability for more great things in the business district and for all residents of Clinton County.”

If you would like to help Downtown Lock Haven, Inc. continue to grow and provide community events that support small business, please visit: www.lockhaven.org or email dlhmanager@lockhaven.org

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