Leadership Clinton County meets local leaders

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Leadership Clinton County held a two-day session recently to educate its participants on Clinton County’s local government, elections and the judicial system.

Participants heard from local leaders which included Commissioners Angela Harding, Miles Kessinger and Jeff Snyder, Brandy Reiter representing State Senator Cris Dush, State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz, and Lock Haven Mayor Joel Long. These legislative leaders spoke to the participants to help them gain a better understanding of public policy, local government and running for public office.

Participants also met with District Attorney David Strouse, Magisterial District Judge Keith Kibler, State Trooper Lauren Lesher, Sheriff Kerry Stover, Lt. Beth Gregory, Director of Public Safety Tim Stringer, and Deputy Chief of Probation Ed Hosler who explained the different judicial systems in Clinton County and how local law enforcement agencies work together to keep Clinton County safe. Participants were introduced to Clinton County department heads who spoke on the services their offices provide to our community.

Sponsors for this session included: Clinton County Commissioners; Clinton County Community Foundation; Clinton County Economic Partnership; First Quality; Leadership Clinton County Alumni Association; M&T Bank; M&R Contracting, Inc.; PPL Foundation; and Terrapin Care Station

People interested in making a difference in their own community and developing their personal leadership potential are encouraged to apply to Leadership Clinton County. Deadline for applications is July 1, 2023. Contact April Bittner at 570-748-5782, for an application and more information. www.clintoncountyinfo.com


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