Candidate informational session held

LOCK HAVEN, PA – 51 prospective primary election candidates attended a Clinton County-conducted informational session in the county’s Piper Building Monday night.

Maria Boileau, the county director of voter registration said the nearly hourlong session went well and termed the event “a great kick-off.” The municipal primary election is set for May 16 and the time frame for candidates to circulate petitions is from Feb. 14 through March 7.

Boileau said all the information covered Monday night will be on the county website Tuesday afternoon. She said interested candidates can stop in during office hours at the newly relocated first floor office to pick up petition packets or to gather additional information. The voter registrar’s office had been on the Piper Building’s third floor. Boileau said, “It’s great to be on the first floor…very accessible to the public.”

An estimated 110 local positions, big and small, are up for election this year, from county commissioner to West Keating Township supervisor.


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