County commissioners approve $1.30 an hour pay hike for applicable employees

LOCK HAVEN, PA – The Clinton County Commissioners, in their capacity as the county salary board, on Tuesday gave unanimous okay to six and a half pages of pay hikes, job alterations and new positions for the new year. They did so without comment, other than reading from the multiple page agenda before them.

The approvals included an increase of $1.30 per hour for all full-time, non-elected employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. As for new positions: a fulltime election assistant/utility floater at a starting salary of $34,866; an additional agricultural resource conservationist at the at the county Conservation District at a starting salary of $39,809; a shared position of dual office clerk, working 40% with the prothonotary and 60% with the sheriff, at a starting salary of $29,307.

Multiple county-compensated employees received $2,535 annual increases. These are the county solicitor, county public defenders and the part-time assistant district attorney.

Other approvals from the commissioners and applicable county row office heads included:
Establishment of an additional agricultural resource conservationist at the Conservation District at $15 an hour;
Parttime assessor, assessment office, $15.75 an hour;
Parttime custodial workers, housekeeping, $15 an hour;
Parttime corrections officers and CCCF maintenance, $15 an hour;
Fully trained parttime 9-1-1 dispatchers, $16.25 an hour;
Parttime custodian at Renovo District Justice Office, $15 an hour;
Tipstaves, $75 per day;
All parttime security positions, $15 an hour;
Parttime deputy sheriffs, $16.25 per hour;
Parttime deputy coroner, $15 an hour.

The board also approved a change in the administrative setup at the county correctional facility: elimination of one captain position and the addition of the position of administrative lieutenant in its place at a starting salary of $46,618.

A full listing of the approvals may be found at the county website and a stream of the Tuesday meeting is also posted there.



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