Woman charged with stealing children’s Christmas presents

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Jodi Ann Cisowski, 42, of Warriors Mark was charged Wednesday by Lock Haven city police with one count of theft, misdemeanor of the first degree. Cisowski is alleged to have stolen $1,131.48 worth of children’s Christmas presents and personal property from her ex-boyfriend’s residence on E. Bald Eagle St. in Lock Haven on December 21.

The criminal complaint was filed by Sgt. Paul Gramley of the Lock Haven police after he was provided an itemized list of the children’s gifts taken from the residence. Police allege that they contacted Cisowski immediately following the reported theft, and she denied any knowledge of the items. Police also allege that on Christmas Eve, several of the children’s presents were returned to the victim’s residence by one of Cisowski’s family members. Police report that several of the gifts were wrapped when they were stolen, but when they returned they had been re-wrapped in different wrapping paper. Not all items reported stolen were returned, according to police more than $600 worth of property remains missing. Source: Clinton County District Attorney’s Office

Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: https://clinton.crimewatchpa.com/da/133000/post/woman-charged-stealing-childrens-christmas-presents

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