County budget unveiling set for Thursday
LOCK HAVEN, PA – Clinton County residents will get a first look at the county’s proposed 2023 budget at the county commissioners’ voting session this Thursday morning at 10 o’clock.
Commissioner Jeff Snyder said at the board’s Monday work session that a “review” will be done on the budget document at the Thursday voting session. No additional information was released Monday. Board chairman Miles Kessinger was not in attendance.
The county currently is operating under its 2022 budget which amounts to $43.9 million with a real estate rate of 6.2 mills. The county has seen only one real estate tax hike since 2016; that came in 2019 for the 2020 calendar year and moved the real estate levy from 6.0 mills to the current 6.2 rate.
Snyder also said the commissioners will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 6:30 p.m. to set the salaries, effective in 2024, for county officials to be elected in 2023. There will be a raft of county offices on the ballot next year, including all three commissioner slots, all three district judges and the offices of district attorney and sheriff.