Voter registrations: Clinton County continues its “red” trend

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Final Clinton County voter registration numbers are not due until next week, but the most recent set of numbers shows a continued swing in what is now a substantial registration edge for Republicans.

County voter registrar Maria Boileau on Friday posted the most recent figures. They show the county with 21,962 registered voters eligible for the Nov. 8 election. Of that amount, 12,132 are Republicans and 6,951 are Democrats, a difference of 5,181. Less than a decade ago, the county was evenly split between the GOP and Democrats.

Other registrants are 2,735 others; 118 Libertarians; 26 Green Party.

Boileau told The Record the Friday totals are not final; she said there are some pending transfers from or to other counties and the final tally should be available on Tuesday.

As for mail-in and absentee ballots, there have been 2,364 requests with 1,581 returned as of Friday.

The county voter director also said no additional poll workers are needed for Nov. 8. The county earlier this month had approved a $50 a day pay hike for election day workers; precinct judges of elections will see an increase from $150 to $200. Both majority and minority inspectors will see an increase from $145 to $195 per election.

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