YMCA announces pool re-opening timeline: tentatively October

LOCK HAVEN, PA – The River Valley Regional YMCA Lock Haven Branch has officially announced their pool re-opening timeline. Staff and volunteers have been hard at work for over a year fundraising to replace the HVAC unit, referred to as the PoolPak. This unit has a hefty price tag of $280,000 and comprised Tier 1 of the project. Tier 1 allows for the replacement of the PoolPak, a fresh coat of paint, and most importantly, the pool to re-open to the public.

The Y announced Wednesday that work is already underway and the ceiling and beams have been painted. The next step for the staff is to paint the walls and interior of the pool and begin hiring lifeguards and other pool staff.

On August 3, the summer camp children will host a fundraiser to raise money for the water to fill the pool. Also in August, chemicals and supplies will be ordered and the walls and interior will reach the end of the painting process.

In September, the PoolPak will be officially delivered and installed by Redmond’s Complete Comfort LLC, and the day of an opening ceremony date will be released.

Finally, in October the pool will be filled with water, chemicals will be added, and a test run of the system will be performed for at least five days.

The Lock Haven Branch YMCA would like to thank the Clinton County Commissioners, Clinton County Community Foundation, City of Lock Haven and Sons of Italy for their generous contributions.

If you’re interested in becoming a lifeguard, or have any questions regarding the pool please email Tyler Miller, program director at tylerm@rvrymca.org.


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