County commissioners renew support for Renovo Energy Center project

LOCK HAVEN, PA – The Clinton County Commissioners at their Thursday meeting went on record renewing their support for the Renovo Energy, LLC project proposed for Renovo.
The commissioners gave their unanimous approval to a resolution backing the Renovo venture which seeks to construct a natural gas energy generation center at the old railyard site on the north side of Renovo.
They were joined in their renewed support by Mike Flanagan, President/CEO of the Clinton County Economic Partnership. Flanagan said the project, first disclosed in 2014, would be an economic and environmental plus, providing 700 jobs during the two-and-a-half-year construction period, 25 permanent jobs and “troubleshooter” positions.
Flanagan said “a few groups” are opposing the project and “hopefully” some accord can be reached with them; otherwise, the project will go to a state environmental judge. Flanagan said “hopefully” the billion-dollar proposal can be a 2022 project, “worst case 2023.” He noted continued support from Renovo Borough Council, Renovo Community Trade Association, state Rep. Stephanie Borowicz and state Sen. Cris Dush.
Commissioner Angela Harding described herself as an environmentalist but also a realist relative to the economic development the project will provide. She expressed trust in the regulatory agencies involved in giving their go-ahead for the project and said an “overwhelming” number of Renovo area residents support the proposal.
The county resolution in support:
WHEREAS, Renovo Energy, LLC is pursuing permission to construct a natural gas energy generation center on the site of the former Industrial Park in the Borough of Renovo; and
WHEREAS, the Clinton County Commissioners have previously indicated support for the project and its belief that the project would be beneficial to the citizens of Renovo Borough and all of Clinton County; and
WHEREAS, the Clinton County Commissioners believe that the construction of the natural gas energy generation plant will be in the economic best interest of the residents of the Borough and the surrounding communities. The plant would be a productive use of the vacant Industrial Park site; the project will boost the economy of Renovo Borough and surrounding communities, both during the construction and during the operation of the plant; and the project will provide a significant source of revenue for Renovo Borough, Clinton County and the Keystone Central School District; and
WHEREAS, the facility will benefit the environment by displacing more polluting forms of energy generation and for which the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection is requiring as part of the project, Renovo Energy restore and enhance sensitive areas to offset impacts from the construction. These areas include enhancing wetlands near Brewery Run and along 2400 lineal feet of Kettle Creek, and reforesting areas in Sproul State Forest; and
WHEREAS, as part of the project, Renovo Energy will create and maintain an emergency route through the site for access during flooding events to enable vehicles to safely vacate flood prone areas in the Borough; and
WHEREAS, since 2015, Renovo Energy has sought input from the community, and remained transparent with all stakeholders; and
WHEREAS, Renovo Energy has consistently supported local activities in the Borough of Renovo and other areas of the county;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Clinton County Board of Commissioners expresses its continued support of the Renovo Energy project with the belief that the project is in the economic, environmental and general best interest of the citizens of Clinton County.
ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Clinton, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, this 5th day of May, 2022.
The commissioners also approved two proclamations Thursday. One recognized May 1-7 as Correctional Officers and Employees Week, the other May 15-21 as EMS Services Week. Relative to the latter, commissioner Jeff Snyder suggested this would be a good time to donate to a local fire company or join an ambulance service as a way to thank those agencies. Representatives from those agencies were present at the Thursday meeting.