Terrapin Veterans Network hosts Veterans Day events aimed at uplifting and celebrating veterans

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BOULDER, Colo.- This Veterans Day, national cannabis company Terrapin and its employee resource group, Terrapin Veterans Network, is organizing and participating in several events focused on supporting and honoring those who served.
In 2020, Terrapin formed the Terrapin Veterans Network for all Terrapin staff who are veterans, veteran spouses or who have a passion for veterans’ issues. Providing insights on ways to support the recruitment, retention and career mobility of veterans, the employee resource group meets quarterly and works to find new ways to engage veterans both within the organization and throughout the communities in which Terrapin operates.
“Over our 12 years in business, the numerous veteran-centered initiatives we’ve supported have helped us earn a well-deserved national reputation as an industry leader in supporting both the men and women who have served in our nation’s armed forces and their families,” said Chris Woods, founder and CEO of Terrapin. “Through advocacy, funding, employment and other effective endeavors, we have — and will continue to — prioritize veterans in our organization and our communities.”
Terrapin has planned multiple events in all regions of operation to show gratitude to veterans and their families. In Pennsylvania, veteran employees and their families from its South Avis facility will be taken out for dinner and drinks on Thursday, Nov. 11 at Rock Bottom Tavern east of Lock Haven, which is a restaurant owned by Terrapin veteran Jeffrie Allen.
In addition to its commitment to employing veterans, Terrapin helped spearhead the creation of VetForce, a veteran owned and operated security firm that the company now retains for security and transport purposes. Made up of 80% veterans, the VetForce staff has been trained to provide on-site security for Terrapin’s employees in each region of operation. The organization has grown to a national workforce of 80 employees.
“Terrapin has always prioritized our veterans and their needs. Whether it is their incredible medicines aiding with our health and well-being, their commitment to veteran employment, their community outreach efforts or their unique veteran-focused projects, Terrapin is by far the industry standard-bearer for all things veteran” said Dave Harger, president of both VetForce and the Terrapin Veterans Network. “Through VetForce, I have personally had many of my veteran employees thank me for what we do and helping them to feel whole again following separation from the military. I cannot thank Chris and the Terrapin team enough for that opportunity. It means the world to me to be able to help my brothers and sisters.”
Terrapin supports veteran-focused organizations in all regions of operation, including Veterans Community Project, Harger Utility Charities, and the company has also provided financial donations to support the revitalization of Veterans Park in Lock Haven.
For more information about how Terrapin prioritizes the nation’s veterans, please visit terrapincarestation.com.
Terrapin’s outreach and support of veterans has been a cornerstone of the company’s mission since its inception. The company successfully fought to add PTSD as a qualifying condition to Colorado’s medical marijuana registry. Research indicates that cannabis can be an effective treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, and the company’s efforts resulted in the passage of a bill that allows individuals suffering from PTSD to access medical marijuana for their condition. Recognizing that the opioid crisis has hit veteran populations particularly hard, Terrapin has also funded efforts supporting the study of medical cannabis as a substitute for opioid medications to prevent abuse and death resulting from addiction.
“An estimated 200,000 veterans are expected to leave active-duty service and reenter civilian life this year, but entirely too many former members of our nation’s military struggle to find employment or are forced to accept underemployment,” said Kevin Krieger, director of construction at Terrapin and a member of Terrapin Veterans Network. “For years, Terrapin has supported veterans and their families — both as employees and within the community at large. I am proud to be a member of Terrapin Veterans Network, working for an incredible company alongside many others adjusting to life after service in the military.”
In Pennsylvania, hiring and retaining veterans is a priority. To achieve its goal of creating a workplace consisting of at least 30% veterans, Terrapin held a successful job fair at the Lock Haven VFW, which attracted more than 300 local residents. The overwhelming response to the first local VFW job fair led to a second job fair at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Terrapin offered to provide technology to the Clinton County VFW to ensure all veterans had access to a computer to conduct virtual interviews.
About Terrapin
Terrapin is a consumer-focused cultivator, processor and provider of high-quality medical and recreational cannabis products. Founded in 2009, we have six storefronts on Colorado’s Front Range and operate a medical cannabis grower/processor facility in Clinton County, Pa. Terrapin also operates a cannabis grower/processor facility in Grand Rapids, Mich. and recently opened a medical cultivation facility in Kansas City, Mo. For more information on the Terrapin brand, visit Terrapin.co. For information on retail locations, visit TerrapinCareStation.com. We plant local roots! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.