LHU presents UPMC with banner for providing vaccinations to campus community

LOCK HAVN, PA – Lock Haven University recently presented a banner to UPMC with signatures and quotes from students, faculty and staff. The banner is a thank you for providing COVID-19 vaccinations to members of The Haven campus community who were eligible under the PHASE 1A vaccine rollout.

Those present for the celebration were Ron Reynolds, CEO UPMC; Doug Fetzer, UPMC emergency prep and staff coordinator; Deana Hill, LHU chief administration and finance officer; Becky Levi; UPMC; Sue Moore, Michelle Peters, Marilyne Louis and Jodie Dutton,LHU Glennon health services; Allyssa Turkowski, Brianna Sturgeon, McCartney Register and Luke Kreider, LHU student COVID testing team; Jessica Abernathy, LHU COVID team tracer; Beth McMahon, LHU COVID Institutional Response Team coordinator; and Teagan Marty, WASD intern.

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