More info available for hospitality grant money coming to Clinton County

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Clinton County Planning Director Katie de Silva has provided more information on the better than $437,000 in state money targeted for qualifying county hospitality businesses such as restaurants and taverns, those incurring losses from the pandemic.

de Silva said at the county commissioners’ work session on Monday that SEDA-COG will be administering the program and applications will be received as of March 15. She said the Lewisburg-based regional planning agency likely will have application procedures established by this Thursday.

Grants will range from $5,000 to $50,000 and applicants will need to show losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Commissioner Angela Harding said even if local hospitality businesses received money through CARES from an earlier grant program, they should still apply; she said she does not think participation in the earlier program will hinder applicants’ chances in this new program.

de Silva said SEDA-COG will be reimbursed by receiving $300 from grant dollars for each application it processes. The commissioners said it was unfortunate there was not a properly certified processing agency within Clinton County to carry out the application legwork. They said SEDA-COG will begin a program advertising campaign for prospective applicants on March 8.

In another COVID-related matter, Andrew Kremser, the county’s emergency services director, said the vaccine shortage across Pennsylvania is impacting distribution in Clinton County. Currently, he said, only the two Weis Markets in the Lock Haven area and a UPMC Dunnstown Fire Hall clinic are receiving the vaccine. It was noted the fire hall clinic is only for those 85 years of age and older. Kremser also said Clinton County is on a list with the state, seeking establishment of a state vaccination site in the county, but the vaccine shortage has not helped in that effort and it is not known when such a clinic will be set up.

And Jeff Rich, vice-president of the Clinton County Housing Coalition, said that agency will be involved in administering a new renter assistance program for qualifying renters within the county. He said more information on that program should be available this week. Rich noted an earlier CARES program provided rent relief amounting to $193,000 to qualifying renters, but those funds ended Nov. 30.


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