Tuesday first day for circulating petitions for May primary
LOCK HAVEN, PA – Tuesday, Feb. 16 is the first date candidates in the May primary may circulate their petitions. This year’s election is at the municipal level, which means multiple local contests will be featured all across Clinton County, from mayors to township supervisors to tax collectors.
Two county row offices will be on the ballot, both with incumbents: county treasurer, Michelle Kunes the present occupant, and county coroner, that position occupied by Zach Hanna. Four of the nine Keystone Central School seats are to be filled this year; they are Region II (Mill Hall area), represented by Elisabeth Lynch; Region V (Woodward Township area), by board president Tracy Smith; Region VII, (Lock Haven’s fourth and fifth wards) by Roger Elling; and Region IX (Renovo area), by Eric Probert. Two Jersey Shore school district regions are also on the ballot in applicable eastern Clinton County townships; Region One and Region Two.
Three Lock Haven city council seats are on the ballot; incumbents up for re-election, should they so choose, are council vice-president Steve Stevenson and council members Rick Conklin and Barbara Masorti. City treasurer and controller are also on the May 18 ballot.
Every township in Clinton County will have one supervisor to be determined. Chapman Township will have two, one for a 6-year term, one for a 4-year term; the latter the result of the death last year by longtime Chapman Township supervisor Tim Horner.
County boroughs where mayors will be elected in 2021 are Avis, Beech Creek, Flemington, Loganton, Mill Hall and Renovo.
There also will be multiple statewide races: one justice for the state supreme court, one for state superior court and two for commonwealth court.
March 9 is the deadline for filing candidate petitions for the May primary.
Additional election information may be found at the Clinton County government website or by contacting the office of county voter registrar Maria Boileau at 570-893-4019.