STEP Facilities Closed to Public Effective Thursday

From staff reports

WILLIAMSPORT – Beginning on Thursday, March 19, STEP will close its facilities to the public, while continuing to offer many of its programs and services. This includes: the STEP offices at 2138 Lincoln Street, Williamsport; the Clinton County Community Center at 124 E. Walnut Street, Lock Haven; and all satellite locations such as Head Start buildings and Centers for Healthy Aging. WIC customers should contact WIC with questions and updates on its status.

Customers are encouraged to call STEP at 570.326.0587 for more details, or to email STEP at

“STEP is committed to protecting the health and wellness of our customers and staff, while continuing to provide life-sustaining and self-sufficiency services. We will continue to monitor the situation daily and make additional and measured changes as appropriate,” said Jim Plankenhorn, STEP President & CEO, continuing, “I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding during these uncertain times, and especially our great staff and volunteers who are so dedicated to our mission and values.”

In addition to the facility restrictions, the following changes are occurring in some of STEP’s programs. For an up-to-date list, visit
STEP Head Start: All STEP Early Learning classrooms are closed for at least ten school days, beginning March 16. Please call 570.601.9601 for more details.
STEP Office of Aging: All STEP Centers for Healthy Aging will be temporarily closed to older adults. Meals on Wheels will continue to operate with modifications. Please call 570.323.3096 for more information.
• The AARP Tax-Aide program has been suspended.
STEP Transportation: STEP Transportation is reducing trips to life sustaining trips such as groceries and medical appointments, as well as trips to work. Please call 570.323.7575 with questions.
• The Early Learning Resource Center for Region 7, in partnership with STEP, is not performing any face-to-face business. For more information, contact the ELRC at 570.327.5495.

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