Boy Scout Troop 137 Holds Parent’s Day
RENOVO – Renovo Boy Scout Troop 137 held its annual Parent’s Day on February 04, 2018 at the Zion’s Lutheran Church. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Scouts Laws followed by a prayer by Tristin Bissman.
The ceremony started with the cross over from Webelos to Boy Scouts, for the following boys: Sam Wible and Martin Lewis. A candlelight ceremony followed: Gold; Troy Prebble – White; Will Kelley – and Red; by Tristin Bissman.
Awards followed: Progress Award and Webelos Badge awarded to Sam Wible and Martin Lewis; Arrow of Light awarded to Martin Lewis; Second Class awarded to Evan Ransdorf; First Class awarded to Tristin Bissman, William Kelley, and Evan Ransdorf. Star was awarded to Troy Prebble and Tristin Bissman; Eagle Scout with Silver Palm was awarded to Gabe Janerella.
Maddox Smith, Tyler Day, Hunter Grenell, Gavin Yachymiat, Sam Wible, and Martin Lewis received the World Crest and Friend of Scouting with Scouts of America since 1910.
Merit Badges and Activity Pins were awarded to the following scouts: Troy Prebble(Automotive Maintenance, Family Life, Personal Management); Tristin Bissman (Family Life, Personal Management, Automotive Maintenance); Evan Ransdorf (Personal Management, Family Life, Automotive Maintenance, Swimming, Life Saving); William Kelley (Family Life, Automotive Maintenance, Personal Management); Gabe Janerella (Metal Work, Welding, Electricity, Automotive Maintenance, Photography)
Webelos Activity Badges – Martin Lewis; Walkabout, Cast Iron Chef, Engineer, Scouting Adventure, Stronger Faster Higher, Duty to God in Action, Aquanaut, Build a Better World, Outdoorsman, and Art; Caden Palosky; Cast Iron Chef, Science, Art, and Building a Better World; Collin Grenell; Building a Better World, Science, and Art; Leon Mathews; Advanced Science, Art Explosion and Building a Better World; Sam Wible; Cast Iron Chef, and Duty to God and You.
50 Year Patch: Maddox Smith, Tyler Day, Sam Wible, Hunter Grenell, Gavin Yachymiat and Martin Lewis.
Popcorn Patch: Martin Lewis, Sam Wible. Cyber Chip Patch: Martin Lewis
Service Star Pins with green background: One Year (Maddox Smith, Tyler Day, Gavin Yachymiat, San Wible, and Hunter Grenell.); Three Year (Evan Ransdorf); Four Year (William Kelley); Five Year (Troy Prebble); Six Year (Gabe Janerella and Tristin Bissman).
Yearly Pins Attendance: 4 Year (Gabe Janerella); 1 Year with Bar (Troy Prebble)
Den Chief Service Award: Gabe Janerella
New leaders were installed: Senior Patrol (Troy Prebble); Asst. Senior Patrol Leader (Evan Ransdorf); Patrol Leaders (Maddox Smith and Tristin Bissman); Asst. Patrol Leaders ( William Kelley and Tyler Day); Scribe (Gavin Yachymiah); Committee Members: (April Smith, Jeremy Wible, Martin Lewis, Sr,; Asst. Scoutmaster (Gabe Janerella).
Various skits and songs were enjoyed by 52 parents, family members and scouts.
Refreshments were served after the program. New Scouts are welcome to attend the weekly meeting on Tuesday from 7:00PM to 8:30 PM in the Lutheran Church basement.
The Scouts also took part in the Church service. Readers were Gabe Janerella and Tristin Bissman. Ushers were Marty Lewis, Tyler Day, Sam Wible, and Willy Kelley.Greeters were Maddox Smith and Marty Lewis. Acolytes were Troy Prebble and Tristin Bissman. Communion Helpers were Maddox Smith and Marty Lewis. Approximately 38 parents and scouts attended Scout Sunday.
We would like to thank the Zion’s Lutheran Church for sponsoring our Boy Scout Troop 137 for 52 years in the Boy Scout Program and 38 years in the Cub Scout Program.