Crew Clears 1.2 Tons of Trash from Young Woman’s Creek Embankment; Next Event is April 22

By LaKeshia Knarr
NORTH BEND – Fifty-four volunteers made their way to the steep embankment of Young Woman’s Creek last Saturday morning, armed with trash bags and gloves and wearing bright orange vests.
They were part of the team rounded up by Clinton County CleanScapes, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping citizens clean up waterways and landscapes. The volunteers included seven students from Lock Haven University, 10 youth and two chiefs from the Bald Eagle Boys Camp, six folks from Chapman Township, and 29 other community members.

Over a period of about two hours, the volunteers spread out over the rocky hillside, clearing debris – including bottles, cans, bagged deer carcasses, buckets, cushions, seven tires, metal fencing, a lawnmower and more. The waste was ultimately transported to the Wayne Township Landfill, where it weighed in at 1.2 tons (2,460 pounds).
This, according to CCC Director Elisabeth Lynch McCoy, was one of the worst illegal dump sites in Clinton County, but the event on April 8, she said, removed one of the last known, large-scale active dumpsites in the Renovo area. CleanScapes, in partnership with Keep PA Beautiful, DCNR at Sproul State Forest, and concerned community members, has completed 10 cleanup events within the greater Renovo area since 2008, McCoy told therecord-online. She said the past events garnered support from 186 participants and a total of 74,480 pounds of trash, 222 tires and 18,400 pounds of scrap metal were removed.
Another cleanup is taking place Saturday, April 22 (Earth Day) at the Rail Trail hillside in Castanea Township, located under the Route 220 underpass on East Keller Street/Youngdale Road, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Those interested in participating in the upcoming event must register by noon on Thursday, April 20 by contacting McCoy at or 570-726-3511. LHU students may register with the LHU Mountain Serve office at 103 Raub Hall.
“CleanScapes’ long-term mission is to end illegal trash and tire dumping and we can accomplish this when the local community members and leaders actively endorse debris-free waterways and landscapes. If CleanScapes just came in and cleaned up a site and walked away, the act of dumping would most likely continue. Instead we offer the adversely affected with clean up procedures and dumping determent options,” McCoy said. “The Young Woman’s Creek Road streambank cleanup is a perfect example. Prior to the cleanup the Chapman Township leaders committed to closing the roadside pull-offs with guide rail, they were active participants during the event, and they provided the volunteers with a first-rate luncheon!”
The Young Woman’s Creek cleanup marked a milestone for the nonprofit organization, as it was the 110th such event organized by the CCC. Since its inception volunteers have helped remove over 1,199 tons of debris from the landscapes and waterways. Additional CCC cleanups are scheduled for later this year: July 22 at Bald Eagle Creek; and Sept. 9 at West Branch Susquehanna River. Details about can be found by following the CCC at