Young Woman’s Creek Cleanup is Saturday; Others Planned

By LaKeshia Knarr
NORTH BEND – You can help clean up Young Woman’s Creek, and other sites around the county, beginning this Saturday as part of the Clinton County CleanScapes Creekside Beautification Cleanup Day.
From 9:45 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 8, registrants will be walking the moderately sloped terrain in North Bend, Chapman Township, to clear debris from the banks and depths of Young Woman’s Creek.
Participants are able to help in more than one way, also. Aside from helping to clean up trash strewn about the landscape, they are also encouraged to document the day by taking photographs or writing articles and letters about the experience. Participants can submit those materials to the Clinton County CleanScapes (CCC) for potential publication later.
“The primary goal of these events is to give the local community members an opportunity to clean up some of these abandoned dump sites and to give them a venue to take back their community,” said CCC Director Elisabeth Lynch McCoy. “Once these larger sites are cleaned up, they have an opportunity to maintain any small sites that may come up in the future.”
She noted that studies have shown that removing larger dump sites decreases tolerance for illegal dumping, giving folks an opportunity to keep their communities clean and safe.
Lunch and supplies are provided, as is a free Susquehanna Transit shuttle bus for Lock Haven University students.
Those interested in participating in the event on Saturday are asked to register by noon Thursday, April 6. To register, contact Lynch McCoy at or 570-726-3511. LHU students may register with the LHU Mountain Serve office at 103 Raub Hall.
Cleanups are scheduled for later this year as well, including: April 22 at the Rail Trail hillside in Castanea Township; July 22 at Bald Eagle Creek; and Sept. 9 at West Branch Susquehanna River.
Details about upcoming events can be found by following the CCC at
CCC, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping citizens clean up waterways and landscapes, is an affiliated member of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. Since 2000, the organization has helped plan 110 cleanup events, coordinating 4,033 total volunteers, and removing 1,199 tons of debris from the landscapes and waterways (including 12,459 tires and 23 tons of metal recycled).
The CCC has a $6,500 fundraising goal for 2017. Memberships are $5 for students; $15 for individuals or families; $25 for local government/organizations; and $50 for businesses. To become a member or donate, indicate which membership level you are interested in and mail a check for the appropriate amount to Clinton County CleanScapes, PO Box 304, Mill Hall, PA 17751. Include your full name, email address and mailing address, as well as a phone number.