For the Record – Jan. 23, 2014

by Barb Mastriania

Coyote Information Meeting …

Coyotes are causing concern for area residents, especially those in South Renovo where coyotes have been seen recently. As a result, South Renovo resident Frank Morton has arranged a public meeting with a member of the Pennsylvania Game Commission for next Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 7 p.m. at Citizen’s Hose Company in South Renovo.

Jeannette Morton attended the recent Renovo Council meeting to urge people to attend the meeting and learn what to do or not do where coyotes are concerned. Morton said they’ve heard from people in Renovo, East Renovo, Westport and North Bend who have reported hearing or seeing coyote. It goes without saying but we’ll say it anyway, it is wise to have a healthy respect for the wildlife in our area. They are one of our assets.

Area outdoorsmen and knowledgeable about wildlife say that people don’t need to be afraid of coyote and that coyote’s usually run from people. They could be a threat to cats and small pets allowed to stray outside.

The word is that coyote have been in this area more than 50 years and there are tens of thousands of them in Pennsylvania. They eat rodents – mice. They howl or yip. The number of reports of them in South Renovo may have something to do with the fact that people feed the deer down near Buckail Medical Center.

Coyotes are all over this country. They are even seen in Central Park in New York City. They eat rodents but they don’t eat people.

Council: Use care with our money …

Prior to Renovo Borough Council’s budget meeting this week, Renovo resident Maureen Ruhl reminded council that it was going to be spending her money and that of other taxpayers, and asked them to be prudent with how they spend the money. And, Maureen as others, will be watching how council spends the money.

Fire information …

Samantha Phillips tells us the fire that destroyed her home in Farwell was not caused by a wood stove as had been thought earlier. It started in the attic from the blown insulation, which spontaneously combusted. The cause was determined by a fire investigator who also told the Phillips the same thing would have happened had we been using oil or gas to keep it warm with it being so cold out.

Cell tower ? …

Rumor had it Tuesday that a new cell tower was going up but where was not clear. It has been noticed at night lately that a high blinking light was working recently in the Renovo area that may have been coming from a tower up in the old Renovo viewing area. For a long time a flag was flying at that site. The tower may be one of multiple broadband towers that are to be erected in the area between Lock Haven and Western Clinton County.

Chapman Township birthday party …

Chapman Township secretary Beth Whitty tells us the township begins celebrating its 195th birthday Saturday, Feb. 1 with an event at the Chapman Fire Hall. Roland Davenport will bring the movie camera that was used in a movie theater from North Bend movie theater of years gone by. Residents are invited to bring photos and other historical items (by 4:30) to display in the fire hall. There will be sky lanterns, a bon fire behind the fire hall, ice skating and games, and refreshments. Event starts at 5 p.m.. Beth says the township officials are collecting ideas now and open to suggestions for the bicentennial celebration in five years.


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