Bucktail Cheerleading Set For Busy Slate This Fall

By Bee’s O’Brien

FARWELL- Bucktail’s cheer season kicked off on Monday, August 12th with much excitement and enthusiasm for this year’s fall season. The Bucktail Varsity and Junior High cheer squads have a combined total of sixteen girls participating this season.  The Varsity squad has six seniors including Jenni Green, Matti Mason, Keira Paloskey, Cecelia Shaffer, Lily Sporny, and Rossella Tarantella. Sophomore participants include Elizabeth Button, Lillian Drake, Emma Getz, and Kassidy Lovell.   

This year’s Varsity squad is looking forward to participating in the following local events this season.  The Homecoming parade and Bonfire on September 11th and the Flaming Foliage Follies on October 5th.  Other planned events include pep assemblies to help the student body prepare for events such as Homecoming and Senior night festivities.   Also, each year the squad has the honor of participating in the November Veteran’s Day assembly and completing their role of unfurling the American flag. The girls enjoy this event and look forward to honoring local Veterans and family members each year.    

This year’s squad will be attending all home and away football games and are looking forward to cheering on this year’s football team under the Friday night lights as well as two Saturday games. One disappointing factor is there are only three home events, but the squad is hoping for those three home events the community will come out and show their support. For those that attend this year’s games, the cheer squad will be keeping with Bucktail traditions of recognizable cheers and band cheers, but are also preparing to showcase some new cheers and dance routines for this year’s crowd. There are also some fun giveaways for the hometown crowd so please come out, cheer, wear your “Cherry and White” and support our “Mighty Bucktail Bucks”

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