Optimist’s Roundtable
By Martha Sykes
Last week we finished up our last Vacation Bible Schools for the summer!! My favorite part of this time of year is spending time with our children and teaching them about Jesus. Their little minds are so eager to listen and learn new things and it is amazing how well they respond to songs, stories and spending time reading the Bible stories.
We all know how Jesus received little children into His presence and that He reminded those who followed Him that it is good to have childlike faith.
Singing songs like “Jesus Loves Me” or “This Little Light of Mine” is not only good for little ones, but they also touch our grown-up hearts!!
At this last Bible school, we talked about the difference between having the joy of Jesus in our hearts and the difference between that joy and just being happy!! It was a very good week and after our summer of three different Bible schools, I pray that we planted seeds in those little hearts. In closing, I would like to share a couple prayers from a book entitled “ Children’s Letters to God” that was given to me by a good friend.
Dear God, We read that Thos. Edison made light. But in Sun. School they said you did it. So I bet he stoled your Idea. Sincerely, Donna
Dear God, I don’t ever feel alone since I found out about you. Nora
Dear God, It is great the way you always get the stars in the right places. Jeff
One thing we told the children is that we hope they always remember how much Jesus loves them no matter what!! Something we all need to remember.