Optimist Roundtable
By Martha Sykes
Millions of people will probably be watching the Olympics and it sure will be nice to see those who participate from the USA.
After several weeks of some tough times for our country, it will be a welcoming sight to watch the many athletes who have dedicated their lives to being the best in the world! Enjoy this entertainment!!
This week, Pastor John Godissart and I will be having our own Special Olympics at Greene Hills Methodist Church Camp for Special Needs adults. Last year I wrote about what was supposed to be my “last” year as a volunteer here, but we were asked to come back for this year because this camp will be closing and be sold very soon.
This will be a week of excitement for our many campers that have been part of our lives for what will be our 26th year as volunteers. Change is not always easy and for these special needs campers, they look forward to our week together every year. Saying good-bye will be difficult for sure . Just like every other year, they will teach us so much by worshipping with all of their heart, singing as loud as they can, and enjoying the laughter that can be heard throughout the cabins, but mostly they will remind us that God can bless us in so many ways.
We will have our prayer circle, and sing for the last time our closing song, “Friends are friends forever if the Lord’s the Lord of them. In the Father’s hands we know that a lifetime’s not too long to live as friends”. As we leave this holy place on Thursday, our hearts will be full of memories that will last for the rest of our lives.