Letter to the Editor

Who Protects Social Security?


Protecting Social Security has two different translations.

For conservatives, protecting the program means raising the retirement age, reducing monthly payments to seniors, and reducing other benefits. That does protect the program and the existing funding. It does not protect my Social Security.
Many of us depend on that monthly check!

The second translation, defending Social Security, means maintaining or improving existing benefits to seniors and others. That is the defense I want to see. While supporting those who receive payments, the program will also be protected by increasing payments into the program from people who make more than $400,000, in addition to what less affluent folks have always paid. That small increase, from those who can afford it, will stabilize the existing program without shortchanging those who need it.

So, yes, both parties will protect Social Security. It is your choice. Vote Republican and reduce your benefits but protect the program. Vote for Democrats and keep your monthly benefits consistent. Personally, I embrace the second approach and that is what Democrats will do. If you want your social security to at least stay as it is, you must vote, and you must vote for Democrats.

Rose Reeder
Lock Haven, PA

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