BHE’s Leidy Team Goes the Extra Mile for Earth Week Cleanup
In a determined display of dedication to environmental stewardship, BHE’s Leidy Team started a cleanup mission on April 23, tasked with sprucing up Route 144, Tamarack Road.
Celebrating Earth Week, these committed individuals put the cleanup ahead of their regular workload. It was a choice driven not by obligation but by a genuine desire to make a positive impact on their surroundings.
Covering just under five miles of roadway, the Leidy Team’s efforts were nothing short of remarkable and they tackled the task with enthusiasm.
What’s even more impressive is the sheer volume of trash they managed to collect along the way. Despite the challenges posed by litter strewn across the roadside, the team persevered, filling nearly 50 bags with garbage.
As they wrapped up their cleanup efforts, the Leidy Team left behind more than just a tidier roadway. They left behind a legacy of environmental responsibility and community engagement—a reminder that small actions can make a big difference.