Letter to the Editor

Bakers Run -Five Generations of Trout Fishing Comes to an End


Beginning in 2024, the PA Fish and Boat Commission made the decision to not stock a popular stream in Clinton County. Bakers Run has been stocked with trout for over 50 years. Families have met annually on the first day of trout season to enjoy this great fishery.

My family has enjoyed this stream for many years. I began fishing Bakers with my grandfather and father when I was young. My children have helped stock and fished this stream. My brother’s grand children have had success fishing Bakers Run.

The PA Fish and Boat Commission have determined that Bakers Run is a Class A wild trout stream and needs to be protected from stock trout. How is it that Bakers Run has been stocked for over 60 years and it is still a Class A steam? Stocking the stream has apparently not had a negative effect on this fishery.

Clinton County is blessed with cold-water mountain streams. All or most could and will qualify as Class A streams. There are many streams that hundreds of fisherman have enjoyed that are no longer stocked. Long Run, The Narrows on Fishing Creek, A large section of Young Woman’s Creek, Hammersley Fork, and parts of Hyner Run are a few examples of our streams that are no longer stocked.

Which streams will be next? The Left Hand Branch and Main Branch of Young Woman’s Creek certainly would classify as Class A streams. So what is the goal? It would appear the goal is to stop stocking trout in Clinton County. Take a drive past any of these previously stocked and heavily fished streams and see for yourself how few fishermen are enjoying the streams. Are the majority of people buying a trout stamp stock trout fisherman?

The PA Fish and Boat Commission afforded the public 28 hours to make public comment concerning Bakers Run not being stocked. They claim they received 122 comments ALL SUPPORTING not stocking Bakers Run. Did you know about the opportunity to make a public comment? Did you know where to find the information on public comments? I would be most interested in knowing how many of the 122 comments came from members of a special interest group. How many of the 122 have ever been to Bakers Run?

We cannot sit idly by while these irrational decisions slowly eat away at our long time traditions. Similar decisions have been made in other state agencies with equally detrimental results.

Our family will not be fishing the first day this year. We have decided to get together and reminisce about the good old days.

Todd Desmond
Beech Creek, PA

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