4-H Farm Life: Students Enjoy a Day Off School with a Fun and Educational Field Trip!

NORTH BEND – What do the 4-H farm life and Cloverbuds do with a day off school? They take a field trip. The kids and volunteers got the chance for some hands-on experience with a few farm animals thanks to Barb O’Brien and her little homestead.

The kids got the opportunity to feed the goats, chickens, and ducks. Pauline Bloom, one of our clover buds stepped out of her comfort zone with the help of club, leader, Midge Kramer, and retrieved an egg out of the hen house. Pauline was able to keep the egg and took it home and made scrambled eggs with it.

4-H Willow and Lenox even had the opportunity to hold the baby goats. Cloverbud, Lincoln wrangled him up a chicken to show us it is possible to catch and hold one.

The field trip ended back at the church where the kids had made their own personal pizza using the recipe out of the 4H cooking 101 book. Needless to say, some of their pizza inventions were quite entertaining and some of them ventured out and even tried new toppings to see if they would enjoy them.

Their next meeting will be February 5 where the kids will continue learning about farm animals.


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