Somber Veterans Day event at Bucktail High School

FARWELL, PA – Emotions were worn on their sleeves Friday as Trish Wilson and Bucktail Area High School held their annual Veterans Day Assembly, an event attended by all students and staff as well as open to the public. Approximately three dozen veterans also attended, including speakers Col. Steven Rathmell, a Bucktail graduate, as well as Col. (Ret) Todd Warner, Director of Veterans Affairs, Clinton County.

The emotional program honored all veterans as it included participation from the students of both Bucktail and Renovo Elementary School. Lasting nearly an hour and a half, it was noted by many the silence of the students who filled the bleachers and able to hear courageous stories of veterans, many of whom they know and have heard of.

One of this year’s short films included clips from a video of World War II Veteran and Flyboy John Curcio, recorded before his passing. Curcio noted that after serving in WWII he never really heard much about being a veteran for the first 40 years. He added that over the last 20-30 years of his life, he was often thanked and honored for his service.

The event featured music by the Bucktail Concert band, veteran and Bucktail graduate Courtney Billings and Erica Morton, as well as speeches from Colonel Rathmell and Colonel Warner.


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